Piha is a black sand beach with a lot of history.Firstly there is Lion Rock, which we partly climbed but sadly due to landslides were not able to continue all the way to the top. Lion rock is the eroded remains of a volcanic vent that would have erupted about 15-16 million years ago. To… Read more
Sorry (not sorry) to the Mums in advance!As we had reached the tip of New Zealand, we started our decent passing Whangarei one more time. Here we found the Abbey caves. These caves are undeveloped and have not been assessed for there safety to enter, you are warned before entering that it is at your… Read more
This morning we treated ourselves to a Maori style spa day at Ngawha springs! For just $5 each (£2.80 each) it is very relaxing, if you can ignore the stench of rotten eggs from the Sulphur. We spent a few hours just lazing in the warmth with sun shining down on us, it was bliss… Read more
Meet our camper Gladis! She is a bit of an old dear 1997, but she is wonderful and smooth to drive! Read more
Hi guys! Yeah, it seems a weird concept to go north for warmth but as it stands we are chasing the sun! We have been wearing man layers pf clothing and still been cold. We were not prepared for this weather at all. Isn’t it suppose to be sunny and warm all the time here?… Read more