Crazy Covid consequences, and what we managed to do

Well hello again everyone! It has been a while.. our plans have been upturned many a times including having to return back from Australia due to the Covid-19 pandemic!

So where did we leave you.. ah yes! We gave you New Zealand in a nutshell.. well after that we made it to Melbourne Australia. We arrived by cruise ship.. fancy we know! It was a special cruise to celebrate Will’s Dads 70th birthday.. shhh! Don’t tell him we told you his age!

We did actually get to enjoy Sydney for 2 days.. but to be honest, the best bit for us was seeing the opera house light up at night, and we went on a day tour to Manly beach. We saw our first ever shark, tiny but still amazing! And we saw a stingray!

We then cruised on down to Melbourne, which we thought was just like Bristol but bigger! A very vibrant and young city! Our new home… we planned to work there for a few months before buying a camper and travelling around the land of Oz!

Well we got the home.. and Will managed to get a job gardening, but it was infrequent hours. Stacey was struggling to get a job as Covid had settled in and companies were not hiring!

Sadly, after only 2 weeks in Australia we made the difficult decision to fly home…

Our families were pleased to see us though!
So then we got jobs and worked hard and decided to venture to Europe in August…

And we did!

Read the next blog to find out more….

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